Dear System User:
Kindly note the following items for your information in-line with the recent system update.
- All users will be forced to update their details (E-mail, Cell, Tel) upon logging in for the first time after the recent update, Note that this will be the case at least twice per annum.
- PPR printing cuts out some items on paper. This item is being resolved, for now, kindly set your printer to Landscape to ensure printing of all items.
- Note some of the enhancements on the system e.g.
a) Bulk capturing of Beneficiaries in a Spreadsheet Format, selection by alphabet etc in the PPR.
b) Total Wages calculation, Selection of Local Beneficiaries etc.
c) Beneficiary Summary Section.
Recent updates are mostly per user’s requests and are intended to make your reporting lives easier.
We do apologize for the inconvenience caused.
New EPIP Service Desk Contact Details: 012-399-9003 e-mail:
New Location Address:Cnr Soutpansberg & Steve Biko Rd, Arcadia, Pretoria, Tshwane.